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mishras at cs dot colorado dot edu

 +1 303-492-4686


Pervasive Personalized Intelligence: PPI Center: NSF Industry University Cooperative Research Center

Social Justice & Environmental Quality-Denver: NSF Smart & Connected Community Project

The CU CyberSafety Research Center

Department of Computer Science

University of Colorado Boulder



M. Kurdi, N. Albadi and S. Mishra. Ten Seconds Can Last Longer: Prevalence, Impact, and User Perceptions of Food Cues on Snapchat. The 26th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2024). October 2024. To appear.

O. Hammad, A. K. Hollo, N. Clements, S. Miller, S. Mishra and E. Sullivan. PUREmotion: Understanding the Impact of Highway Construction on People's Wellbeing. The 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2024). September 2024. To appear.

F. Hu, K. Mehta, S. Mishra and M. Almutawa. A Dynamic Distributed Scheduler for Computing on the Edge. The first International Symposium on Parallel Computing and Distributed Systems (PCDS 2024). September 2024. To appear.

J. Miao, D. Rajasekhar, S. Mishra, S. Nayak and R. Yadav. A Microservice-Based Smart Agriculture System to Detect Animal Intrusion at the Edge. MDPI Future Internet, 16(8), August 2024.

K. Alanezi and S. Mishra. An IoT Architecture Leveraging Digital Twins: Compromised Node Detection Scenario. IEEE Systems Journal, 18(2), June 2024.

O. Hammad, Md. R. Rahman, G. Kanugo, N. Clements, S. Miller, S. Mishra and E. Sullivan. PureConnect: A Localized Social Media System to Increase Awareness and Connectedness in Environmental Justice Communities. The 11th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference (MISNC 2024), Bali, Indonesia.

K. Alanezi and S. Mishra. Towards a Scalable Architecture for Building Digital Twins at the Edge. The First ACM/IEEE Workshop on Digital Twins. Held in conjunction with The Eighth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2023), December 2023.

M. Khasgiwale, V. Sharma, S. Mishra, B. Thadachi,  J. John and R. Khanna. Shimmy: Accelerating Intercontainer Communication Using Shared Memory Channel. IEEE conference on Global Communication (GlobeCom 2023) December 2023.

O. Hammad, Md. R. Rahman, N. Clements, S. Mishra, S. Miller and E. Sullivan. PureNav: A Personalized Navigation Service for Environmental Justice Communities Impacted by Planned Disruptions. The 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2023), November 2023.

D. Rajasekhar, J. Miao, S. Mishra, S. Nayak and R. Yadav. Intelligent Irrigation Technique for LoRa Enabled Fog Assisted Smart Agriculture. The 9th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, (IEEE WFIoT2023), October 2023.

S. Mishra, S. Nayak and R. Yadav. An Energy Efficient LoRa-based Multi-Sensor IoT Network for Smart Agriculture System. IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks, January 2023 (WisNet 2023).